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Kane County

Volunteer Information

JA Western's Division has a goal of impacting 2,763 classrooms and 51,308 students in Kane, Kendall, and DeKalb Counties! We've been able to continually expand our program every year thanks largely in part to generous corporate partners who support Junior Achievement of Chicago – Western Division.
Please email for more information.

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  • Damaris Abella, Old Second National Bank
  • George Caraballo, Old Second National Bank
  • Jim Griffin, Nicor Gas
  • Grant Harvey, ITW Automotive
  • Sheila Johnsen, IDEAL Industries, Inc.
  • Allison Kavulich, Huntington Bank
  • Scott Peska, Waubonsee Community College
  • Deborah Ross, Huntington Bank
  • Scott Ulen, Motorola Solutions
  • Mickey Zink, Associated Bank

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