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Give them the power to pursue their dreams

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In celebration of our Centennial, AIG and Junior Achievement Help Prepare Local Students for Life and the Workplace

 By Laura Cebula

Community Involvement

Students will learn important entrepreneurship, financial literacy and work readiness skills, thanks to a generous support from AIG that will implement Junior Achievement (JA) programs in Chicago...

Honda Empowers Students!

 By Laura Cebula

Corporate Responsibility

Thank you to American Honda Finance Corporation and Elgin High School for partnering with JA to empower the...

A student displays their resume

5 Benefits of Hiring a Student Intern
Blog from JA USA

 By Hannah Henry

Work Readiness

With summer on the horizon, high school and college students are already thinking about their next step: internships. While college students may be viewing an internship as a foot-in to a career after they graduate, high school students are seeking internships to discover what career path they may want to pursue in the future.The benefits of interning as a student are endless, but what do these...

69 Percent of Teens Support “Debt-Free College;” Drops to 33 Percent if it Means “Higher Taxes”

 By Laura Cebula

Financial Literacy

A new survey by Junior Achievement (JA) conducted by the research group Engine shows that more than two-thirds (69%) of teens between the ages of 13 and 17 support the idea of “debt-free college.” However, that support drops to a third (33%) if it’s paid for with higher taxes. The survey of 1,004 teens was conducted from April 16 to 21,...

Leadership style flow chart

Which Leadership Style Are You
Blog from JA USA

 By Hannah Henry

Work Readiness

Not all leaders are the same. From school group projects to navigating through escape rooms with friends, your leadership skills evolve throughout life and will determine the relationships you have in and out of the workplace!

To better understand what type of leader you are, use the flow chart...


Making Your Tax Refund Last
Blog from JA USA

 By Hannah Henry

Work Readiness

The notification of a check being directly deposited into your bank account has never been more satisfying than it is during tax...


Learning Your Way
Blog from JA USA

 By Hannah Henry

Work Readiness

American lawyer Brad Henry once said, "A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning." It is through learning that personal development comes into fruition and change begins. Yet, learning doesn't always occur in a classroom or a training center. Opportunities to grow are presented to us daily, but it's understanding the learning style you need that...


Countdown to Resolutions for Teens
Blog from JA USA

 By Hannah Henry

Work Readiness

How old were you when you made your first New Year's Resolution? Do you remember what it was? With 2019 nearly upon us, JA wanted to know if teens are making their resolutions for this upcoming year, and if so, what they were. According to a survey of 1,000 U.S. teens, conducted by Junior Achievement USA and ORC International, nearly 9 in 10 teens (88%) are planning on making New Year's...


Why Businesses Fail: Part II
Blog from JA USA

 By Hannah Henry

Work Readiness

Today, research shows that 29% of businesses fail because they run out of money and 17% fail because they lack a business model or plan. In order to thrive as an entrepreneur, it is crucial that business leaders create a cohesive plan that addresses possible risks, road-blocks, and competition within their industry. After identifying a market and the details within the industry, it's time to start...


Cracking the 5 Toughest Interview Questions
Blog from JA USA

 By Hannah Henry

Work Readiness

Congratulations! All of your hard work has paid off! You've spent hours perfecting your resume, having friends review it, generating a strong cover letter and determining the right outfit to impress your interviewer. Now, finally, you're walking into your potential new workplace. All you have to do is knock the interview out of the park. Are you ready?

To better prepare yourself for the...

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